Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The customer service number for Amazon.com is...


Pain in the ass to find.

Try and find it on Amazon.com. It's impossible.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Maybe they should focus more on education.

The RNC recently released a web ad stating that US troops and enemies watch our news, and so they hear a Democrat's comment that the war does not appear to be going so well. You can read about that silliness, and how the photo used in the ad is doctored here.

I could give you a political rant about it, but instead, I'm taken aback by the grammar:

Our soldiers are watching and our enemies are too

Retreat and defeat is not an option

I should have gone to Yale. I could maintain a C- average and rise to prominence in the political spectrum, merely so that I can write poorly worded phrases to bash the opposition.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Football on Sunday

I can't remember the last time I broke out into a game of touch football.

I can't even remember the last time I touched a football.

And I'm not even very good at football.

I can eat, though.

Thanks, McD's.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Come, Baby, Come...

Christmas season.

Well, ok. Advent season. Christmas season, not yet.

Radio doesn't play Advent music, though. Except "O Come Emmanuel." And maybe "Come Baby Come" by K7.

I've nearly completed my Christmas shopping. Attempted to purchase several things online. We'll see how that goes.

Writing abstract sentiments about one's life impresses me after working a 70+-hour workweek.

What are you doing for New Year's?


Can I come?