Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Rangers are now down 2-0 in a best of 7 series.

We're tempering expectations on the rapture, as my tickets are for game six.

Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Won't you join the dance?

I set up a Myspace account a while back not for my own purposes, but merely because I wanted to look at profiles of people I didn't really know that well to see if I had been missing anything. And it worked for quite a while. Procrastinator's dream. The ability to waste time in other people's business. This is good.

The plan worked perfectly... until today. I received a request for someone to be my friend. I've never been presented with this before. I missed the whole Friendster phenomenon... and I didn't need a list to deem who made the cut on the friend-o-meter back at Syracuse or prior to then.

Make me laugh = friend.
Feed me = friend.
First round's on you = friend.
First round's on me = dick.

I mean, for crying out loud... MySpace? Do I cave in and accept, knowing what kind of company I'll keep from here on out? I vote, for crying out loud. I've never seen Dave Matthews Band in concert, and my underwear's only a day old. I don't need MySpace.

Hell, I can barely keep up blogging.


Oh right. I blog.

Maybe proof that I do still have friends might not be so bad after all.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Win Bill Gates's Money


In short: Lawsuit settlement between Microsoft and the State of NY regarding Microsoft overcharging for software between 1994-2004. And for every piece of Microsoft software you purchased indirectly (meaning, pre-installed on your computer), you'll get a voucher to put toward a future purchase.

This offer is open to "all persons or entities who, from and including May 18, 1994, through December 31, 2004, indirectly acquired a license for Microsoft Windows Operating System and/or Microsoft Applications for use in New York and who did not acquire it for the purpose of resale."

"...indirectly acquired" means "you legally acquired your software, or a computer which that software was already installed, from a person or entity other than Microsoft." In simpler terms, if it came pre-installed, or you bought it from someone that isn't Microsoft, then it's you.

"...for use in NY" I'm pretty sure means you used the software in NY state. This, I believe, means that if you used it for work/school purposes as well as being a resident of NY - then this is you. (In simpler terms, if you used your Microsoft-laden computer a significant amount in NY - regardless of whether you live here or not - then it's you.) At least that's what the people at the hotline number said.

For more info:

Microsoft-New York Class Action Settlement

And that hotline number is (800) 372-2368.

Feel free to link to this to spread the word. And buy me something nice.