Tuesday, December 11, 2007

With every Collapse, there comes rebirth.

"God is living in New York, and he's a Mets fan."
-Tom Seaver

So we posted previously regarding a surprise we wanted to offer. Now would be the time to share.

We accepted a position as a blogger for NJ.com. We will write NJ.com's blog, Always Amazin' - a regular blog commenting on the current state of affairs of all things New York Mets. It's a new direction for us - a full time Mets blog for the masses. We're very excited.

So what does that mean for "Everything?" We'll still be around. We just won't comment on the Mets so much. We'll probably go back to our observational/politcal bent that worked so well in the past. We write. It's what we do.

In the interim, though - please stop by and check out the new gig. And don't worry - we'll leave a link on the sidebar for you.

Friday, December 07, 2007

We got feast... all the time... We got famine... all the time...

So I caught up last night with a few friends to see a few more old friends.

We popped in at the Mercury Lounge to take in the triumphant NYC return of one of our favorite bands of yesteryear, Rustic Overtones. We discovered them as an opening act for They Might Be Giants at the Bowery Ballroom and followed them anywhere they went.

You can read their history elsewhere - but our history's a little more intimate. You'd think Rustic Overtones was one of those bands that you discover in college and you think is awesome solely because no one else is listening.

You'd be wrong. This isn't Guster here.

Rustic Overtones can play. Their music was up, funky, accessible, never arrogant or pretentious. You could move to it. Unwind to it. Sing along to it.

And they're back together and looking for one more shot at the big time. Last night was a good first step. They played a set that consisted of half new songs and half songs from their last album, Viva Nueva. Sadly, they didn't play some of their best work ("Check," "Cherry," "Feast or Famine," and their best by far - "Iron Boots") - but they sounded good. They didn't bring the megaphone for "Smoke," but they didn't have new gimmicks, either. Just Dave Gutter singing like he's having a seizure. Spencer Albee jumping perpendicular to his keyboard. Like they're back on track. Like they will go places.

I don't meant to wax nostalgic and get all sappy about the Overtones. It's just that it was a 45 minute set, but could've gone on for 4:45 and I wouldn't have cared. It was a damn good show. It's nice to have them back (if only because I've never heard "Scarecrow" live).

Just for kicks - here's a live version of "Cherry." And a live version of their cover of Peter Gabriel's "Sledgehammer."

I won't say, "I told you so."

"So when you reach into your pocket
reach down further than the seams
to the leg that you could kneel down
and beg upon; one day a prince
and the next day a vagabond.
I flip a coin into a wishing well
this one's for you..."
-Rustic Overtones, "Long Division"

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Venom Only a Masshole Could Love

After last night's exciting Pats-Ravens MNF extravaganza, I started doing a little light reading (aka what can be easily Googled) on the Pats' run and the history of Miami's perfect season.

Upon my search, I came across Don Shula's Wikipedia entry. Don Shula, for the blissfully ignorant, led the 1972 Miami Dolphins to an undefeated season, going 17-0 en route to win Super Bowl VII. It remains as the NFL's only perfect season, as long as the Pats don't join them.

So, I read on the profile, not expecting to read much... but Wikipedia's always good for a miscue or two. Boy, there were a few...

It starts mildly enough. A possible typo about Shula's GPA in college. Heck, a 1.9 GPA... it's crazy enough to be true - and just looks crappy because of the grammar.

Clearly, Shula's not the most decorated coach in NFL history. And Shula did criticize the Pats for Spygate and tampering when he also took part in a controversial move to take over the Dolphins. BUT, his perfect season didn't occur before he became the coach of the Miami Dolphins. So this comment stands out.

Somehow, Shula doesn't strike me as the cheerleader/assistant trainer type.

...and we now might have an association to the "author." I presume it's a friend of Collier's son.

You heard it here first, folks. Marino NEVER won a Super Bowl because of Shula.

Ah... a second reference to Shula's references to the perfect season. Perhaps Collier's friend, a Pats fan, has heard about it one too many times.

Did OJ's Bronco pre-empt that programming? I missed that.

Ok, this one's just plain mean. Like Boston fan mean.

So there's a good chance Shula's Wikipedia entry will change - and if the Pats continue their march toward to perfection, it could get more entertaining.

Monday, December 03, 2007

We have no heat, but we've got the beat.

So we have some very exciting news to report shortly. And we will.

It's why we haven't written about the Mets in a while. Don't worry - we will.

We have no heat in our apartment. And hopefully, soon we will.

We've not been to a Rangers game this season. But tonight, we will.

We're admittedly still working in Connnecticut, but still...