Sunday, October 31, 2004

But you better promise me I'll be back in time...

Returned to the Savage Land today. Which is fine, except for the Halloween parties. Which were fine, except for the guests. Young'ns, mostly. The evening included:

- TWO (2) Police raids
- ONE (1) short chubby kid laughing at everyone's jokes at the party
- ONE (1) Waldo
- TWO (2) games of beer pong
- INFINITE (?) students who I had to refrain from punching in the throat simply for behaving like college students

I do miss the college camaraderie. I never was a fan of the early last call, though.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Why You Should Vote: Libertarian

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a Libertarian as "an advocate of the doctrine of free will; a person who upholds the principles of absolute and unrestricted liberty especially of thought and action "

The Urban Dictionary defines a Libertarian as "A former Republican who grew larger balls and decided to say fuck the establishment."

(Question the Urban Dictionary's credentials all you want, but once you see the definition of a Double Date, you'll think again.)

The 50-year old Michael Badnarik may not have the name recognition of Kerry or Bush, but he does have the bare necessities to make a run at the White House. With a background including joining the Cub Scouts at age 6 and being elected Executive Vice President of his dormitory in college, you can punch a ballot for Badnarik in 49 of 50 states (and let's be serious - nobody likes Oklahoma anyway). Badnarik, with Vice Presidental Candidate Richard Campagna, have the bare necessities to succeed.

So why vote Libertarian?

- Leave you alone. The Badnarik/Campagna platform encourages a laissez-faire government, including a call for "national defense... not international offense," defending civil liberties, a reduction in corporate regulations (they cite one study in which "regulations that do more harm than good cost 60,000 American lives each year"), ending regulation of health care, deregulation of immigration standards, ending affirmative action, and legalizing drugs and arms.

- Against the War. Badnarik argues that the Middle East "hates us because we have spent many years attempting to force them to emulate our lifestyle." As such, he calls for the speedy recall of US troops home. He explains that "A Libertarian president would not have sent the military trampling about the world, racking up a death count in the thousands, wasting tax money on destroying and re-building infrastructure, creating more enemies, and doing the kinds of things that led to 9/11 in the first place." He remains steadfast against war as its an inconvienience for taxpayers, explaining, "Here at home, war leads to a decline in civil liberties, higher taxes, and wartime economic measures that blur the line between business and state, allowing politically favored corporations to profit at the expense of taxpayers." Badnarik is against the draft.

- Reestablishing civil liberties. Badnarik argues that government has essentially made a mockery of the Bill of Rights, and that the role of government in making laws are "The first is that government does not grant rights it acknowledges them... The second is that government is a servant to whom we delegate powers, not a master who dispenses privileges." He encourages enforcing the Bill of Rights as written and not a word more, and threatens prosecution to those who violate that. He also argues that prisoners of war should be given basic rights awarded any prisoner and enforcing due process.

- Deregulation and privitization of health care. The argument being that deregulation would cut prices, cause health care companies wouldn't have to pay for all that litigation. Talk about blind faith.

- Legalize it. I became truly introduced to the Libertarian plight of legalization through the story of Steve Kubby, which played at the 2004 Libertarian National Convention. He unsuccessfully ran for governor of California (73,845 votes for Kubby out of 8.4 million cast for governor in 1998). He was arrested for growing marijuana, fled to Canada, and was declined refugee status there. I got a laugh, only because the movie juxtaposed clips of his story with him smoking marijuana, making comments like, "Mmm... that's smooth." Medicinal, indeed.

- OK with Gay Marriage. Libertarians want as little control on moral as well as finanical behavior, so they profess no problems with gay marriage. I just got caught on the Badnarik platform about gays that he makes the pledge: "AIDS patients should be able to choose for themselves to use experimental medications or marijuana without interference from the FDA or DEA." AIDS and marijuana on the "Gays" page? Oh boy...

Criticims include the distinct possibility that you'd never would've known Libertarians existed had you not read this right now. Also, it's tough to say Badnarik exudes confidence, recalling this story from his acceptance speech at the 2004 Libertarian National Convention:
So I went back to Austin and I called a friend of mine and the first thing out of his mouth was, "We want you to run for president." And I said, "Of what?" He said, "Of the United States." And I said, "What have you been smoking?" I really thought they were kidding and didn't understand why they thought I should be out here representing the party.

For more information, check out:
The Libertarian Party
Badnarik/Campagna '04 for President
World's Smallest Political Quiz

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Why You Should Vote: Socialist

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines socialism as "any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods."

The Urban Dictionary defines a socialist as "Lasy types (often soap-dodgers) who think that more successful people must have got their money by subterfuge and therefore owe them a living. Often think that the dole is a valid career choice."

(Criticize the Urban Dictionary's credentials all you want, but once you read about the Philly Fake Out, you'll change your tune.)

Needless to say, the 78-year old Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Walt Brown has his work cut out for him. On the polls in a meager 8 states, repesenting a lowly 98 electoral votes, things look bleak. Despite essentially needing an election catastrophe the likes of which we'll never see, Brown, along with his 69-year old female running mate, Mary Alice Herbert (whose greatest claim to date is running against Howard Dean in the 1996 Vermont Gubernatorial Election), plow on.

So why vote Socialist?

- Change. Brown's platform introduces socialism as a method to "new social and economic order in which workers and consumers control production and community residents control their neighborhoods, homes, and schools." A revolution by the people, for the people, and of the people can bring about this change, as the platform states "By revolution we mean a radical and fundamental change in the structure and quality of economic, political, and personal relations. The building of socialism requires widespread understanding and participation, and will not be achieved by an elite working "on behalf of" the people."

- Strong defense of civil liberties. This includes calling for "the abolition of the covert operations of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the political activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation" as well as opposing "so-called anti-terrorist measures and criminal code reforms that restrict legitimate dissent." Brown pledges to expand "community release programs and other alternatives to prisons, and for a moratorium on new prison construction." Also included is legalization of drugs, calling for "the decriminalization of victimless crimes including substance abuse, and the decriminalization of marijuana." On gay marriage, Brown calls for "the repeal of all sodomy laws and anti-lesbian and gay restrictions, and the legalization of same-sex unions or marriages." Also worth mentioning that they support "children’s allowances in order to satisfy every child’s basic rights and needs in a stimulating, empowering, and caring environment."

- Against the War. Brown calls for "the United States to immediately and unconditionally withdraw its forces in Iraq and Afghanistan." Also, Brown calls for cuts in military spending, requesting "an immediate cut of 50% in the military budget, followed by additional cuts, with the aim of rapidly reducing the military budget to less than 10% of its current level, with the “peace dividend” directed to essential social services and to the cost of cleaning up contaminated military sites."

- Pro-Unions. A Socialist in favor of unions? Get out of here.

- Universal Health Care.

- Pro-Choice. This includes "one year’s paid leave to be shared by new parents or in its entirety by a single parent" and a repeal of the Hyde Amendment.

Criticisms of socialism reach far back, and essentially criticize a lack of incentives and a creation of a welfare state. Just read the Urban Dictionary definition of socialist again. Many feel a socialist state would eliminate rewards for efficency and instead maintain mediocrity with no incentives to improve. The government would give you your house, and you wouldn't worry about pay rates, which essentially refutes the Puritian ethic of hard work and reaping the benefits of that work that this country masks as "the American way."

For more info, check out:
Socialist Party USA
Walt Brown for President
The World Socialist Movement
For the young'ns: Young People's Socialist League

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Final Countdown...

7 days until Election Day. Should be groovy.

In fairness, P-Diddy has inspired me. So, over the next few days, I'll present to you the prime candidates and why you should vote for them. Why you should be informed about your candidates, so that you may vote wisely.

Why would I waste my time when I don't live in a swing state and will presumably vote for John Kerry?

Because P-Diddy would've wanted it that way.

Or, let them eat cake...

P-Diddy has been pressing the American public hard, encouraging them to vote or die trying. Cited as an organization dedicated "to make voting hot, sexy and relevant to a generation that hasn't reached full participation in the political process," P-Diddy's organization enlists the help of prominent contemporary figures to mobilize the youth as well as providing inside access to the inner workings of the US government so that you might make an informed decision.

Well, kudos to you, P-Diddy. I can think of no better non-partisan way to get people to the polls next Tuesday. Keep on keepin' on...

Monday, October 25, 2004

We now return to your regularly scheduled programming...

No blog this weekend. Just a warm, happy feeling.

Friday, October 22, 2004

If the Red Sox win the World Series, I guess the terrorists truly have won...

Like everybody in the New York Yankee organization, Joe Torre passed the buck on the most humiliating defeat in franchise history, stating, "There's nothing I'd re-do, with the information we had at the time."

Perhaps if he had listened to his advisors beforehand, including reports of operatives working in the United States, poor preparation of domestic forces, and an August memo entitled, "David Ortiz determined to attack inside Yankee Stadium," maybe all of the embarassment could've been averted.

Do you really want four more years of this?

Thursday, October 21, 2004

So, let's drink, drink, this town is so gray...

Well, I guess there is truth to the claim that there ain't no party like an East Coast party cause an East Coast party don't stop...

I mean, sure, give a city of college students alcohol and they're going to act like college students. You can't ban it because of that, though.

Besides, what if some good could come of it?

Hell freezes over (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Sell Out...)

I sold out.

I swore I wouldn't, but I did.

I've joined the legions of the bored and started my own blog.

And I've been rationalizing this to myself for a while now... and this is the best I could do for my reasons why I should do this.

1) If you want to write, then write.
2) People are genuinely concerned about your day-to-day existence,
3) People mostly stare blankly at the computer screen anyway. Now, they stare at the screen which hosts your thoughts regarding you staring blankly at the screen.
4) You need a better excuse to act pretentious than your affinity for jazz music.
5) Or lesbian pornography.
6) You've been looking for an excuse to profess your love to rapper Fabolous, and now you have an opportunity.
7) The internet is closer than the Moon, and tastier than Kansas.

So here goes.... embarking on this new quest across this vast frontier filled with pop-up ads, pornography, and pop culture references by and for 16 year old girls. For realz!!! LOL OMG!

So bear with me. And buckle up... this could be a bumpy ride...