Thursday, June 16, 2005

I Can Dream... with you TO-NITE.*

I've had that exact music lyric in my head all morning.

What's it from? I don't know. It came to me in a dream last night. A bizarre dream. Strange dream. A dream that had me backstage on one of those kiddie sitcoms on Nickelodeon. And a blond siren belts out a song, blowing everybody away...

I Can Dream... with you TO-NITE.
Na na na.... na na NA NA.

Yeah, I don't know the rest of the words. It kinda sounds like that song "I Believe" by Blessed Union of Souls (I googled it). Except sung by a woman this time, so its not as gay.

My lyric, BTW? Nothing. Well, until Google caches this one.

In the meantime, I clearly made it past the morning so this song will torment me for a while. In the meantime, I'll start playing obscure CDs in hopes of A) finding this song, or B) getting a new song in my head.

In terms of the latter, I dare you to do your worst.

(*Oh right, and since I'm publishing this now, if I hear Jessica Simpson, Kelly Clarkson, or any of those other no-talent hacks come up with this, I officially get to sue their ass.)

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