Saturday, November 19, 2005

I Disappear for Five Minutes and...

1) Bloomberg's mayor again. It's probably because he kept his promise to import lifeguards from the Southern Hempishere to fill the shortage at NYC pools (pg. 14, line 2).

2) We're still at war.

3) Despite the war and record deficits, Congress still found the money to give itself a raise...

4)...while cutting student benefits.

5) No more TO...

6) ...which is good for the NY Giants.

7) MSNBC's Keith Olbermann reports (third story down) that Rush Limbaugh is the worst person alive.

8) It's almost Christmas. It wasn't so almost Christmas the last time we blogged.

1 comment:

thehim said...

Not even sure I'll be able to bring myself to watch the Eagles-Giants game tomorrow. The Eagles are in trouble...