Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Maybe they should focus more on education.

The RNC recently released a web ad stating that US troops and enemies watch our news, and so they hear a Democrat's comment that the war does not appear to be going so well. You can read about that silliness, and how the photo used in the ad is doctored here.

I could give you a political rant about it, but instead, I'm taken aback by the grammar:

Our soldiers are watching and our enemies are too

Retreat and defeat is not an option

I should have gone to Yale. I could maintain a C- average and rise to prominence in the political spectrum, merely so that I can write poorly worded phrases to bash the opposition.

1 comment:

Rob said...

I've been meaning to attack this for a while...thanks for the link and coverage. I'll bet the RNC's copyediting department makes sure everything that gets out is set perfectly at a 5th grade level in terms of grammar and word choice. They'd better learn Spanish quickly.