Wednesday, June 21, 2006

You can question a lot about White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen.

However, don't ever question his take on homosexuality, especially when directed at a writer for the Chicago Sun-Times:
Guillen defended his use of the term "fag" by saying this about homosexuals and the use of the word in question: "I don't have anything against those people. In my country, you call someone something like that and it is not the same as it is in this country.''

Guillen said that in his native Venezuela, that word is not a reference to a person's sexuality, but to his courage. He said he was saying that Mariotti is "not man enough to meet me and talk about [things before writing].''

Guillen also told Couch that he has gay friends, attends WNBA games, went to a Madonna concert and plans to go to the Gay Games in Chicago.
So there, you naysayers.


thehim said...

This really isn't that much different from when Tiger Woods said that he played like a 'spaz' during the British Open (in the UK, the word spaz is an offensive term against handicapped people).

MatthewA said...

Well, I think it's a little different. In Tiger's instance, it was essentially a slip up due to cultural difference. He didn't know that "spaz" was a bad word, essentially.

With this one, it's more of Guillen saying, "No, I'm no homophobe. In fact, I have a gay friend." This faux pas demonstrates the mind set. We all knew what Guillen meant when he said "fag."

And no, he wasn't talking about the British term for cigarette.