Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Utter Disbelief.

Thy name is "If I Did It":
Fox is planning a two-night sweeps event whose title says it all: "O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here's How It Happened."

No, really.

Publisher Judith Regan has taped a wide-ranging interview with Simpson that will serve as the basis for the broadcast, set to air in two hourlong segs Nov. 27 and 29, at 9 p.m. both nights. In the interview, Fox said Simpson "describes how he would have carried out the murders he has vehemently denied committing for over a decade."

Simpson was acquitted of killing Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, but found liable for both murders in a later civil suit.

Regan is publishing the Simpson-penned "If I Did It," which goes on sale Nov. 30 -- the day after the special's conclusion airs. ReganBooks is based at Harper Collins, which is owned by Fox parent News Corp.
At least there's no word of OJ as a guest judge on American Idol. Yet.


thehim said...

I guess Mark Fuhrman was on Fox News calling for a boycott. I hope every American listens to him and starts boycotting Fox.

Anonymous said...

Here's some disbelief for ya. Crap.
