Monday, March 07, 2005


I spent the weekend in the Poconos.

I had a good time I did. Rode a horse. Ate Japanese steak. Overheard an irate fellow with a towel on his head yell over, then directly at a pay phone (not an Arab - just a fellow wearing a white towel).

I gather the Poconos became a family vacation hotspot while I wasn't looking. Growing up, commercials for Mount Airy Lodge "Where all you have to bring is your love of everything" conjured up images of yuppies in hot tubs, boozing on champagne and fly-by-night stocks. No mullets.

There's mullets now. Curly mullets. I dare say the "mystique" could be gone.

Far be it from me to even associate my name with the Young Urban Professionals who've spent time gentrifing my Brooklyn into a "hip," health food-friendly, property valuing, substantially whiter menace.

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