Monday, September 19, 2005

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and Boy, I know I'm one...

I'll be attending the New York Giants-New Orleans Saints football game at the Meadowlands (aka Louisiana Superdome North) tonight. The Saints are the "home" team, having been removed from their home due to Hurricane Katrina.

After countless college football games and even one XFL game, this marks my first NFL contest. Four rows from the field. I'm very excited.

Still, I find myself slightly torn. I am a NY Giants fan, but with all that's happened in the Gulf Coast, the New Orleans Saints have taken up the reigns as "America's Team." They're a heartwarming sports story. Something I can appreciate.

So I think that means I can't boo. I need to be tasteful with my heckling. I can't very well root for anonymous hearts to be broken with the Saints suffering a tough loss. I need to be well-mannered, a good sport.

I've decided that instead of unleashing my trash talk at tonight's game, I'll do it here now. Get it out of my system.

Apologies to those this might offend.

"You guys play like you're homeless."

"We're gonna blow through you guys like Hurricane Katrina."

"Did you take New Orleans and the under?"

"You guys seem a bit sluggish."

(singing) "Under the sea... Under the sea..."

"Hey, speaking of patron saints, did you know...?"

"In case you forgot God doesn't love you anymore, that TD should've settled it."

"Flood of emotion? Oh, it's a flood of something alright."

"If you want to be America's team, you need to overcharge me to pay you and your cronies' salaries while you send me off to a tiny nation to botch up your personal agenda while you completely neglect the possibility of something actually happening to me.
"Oh, you charged me $90 for this ticket? Carry on then."

...and there's more... but it's time to go.

Leave your tongue-biting thoughts or un-American sentiments for me in the comments section. I'll be booking my reservations for Hell in the interim.

Added Tuesday, September 20 @ 1:03am
The Giants won.

"They sure weathered that storm."

"What stinks? Oh, it's just New Orleans."

"Good game. Now let's all go home."

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