Sunday, September 11, 2005 a New York minute.

September 11th. 4 years later.

The skyline still feels empty. Things are different, even if back to "normal."

I was an RA in Syracuse that day, woken up by one of my residents who was checking to see if my family was alright. I watched the events unfold with a room of people who, a month prior, I didn't know. I worried as I didn't know if my older brother (a messenger), younger brother (who attended school less than a mile away), or my sister (less than 5 blocks away) were OK as all of Lower Manhattan was chaotic that morning. They were accounted for at 7:30pm that night, and I later felt relieved and guilt at the same time. Relieved as my folks were OK, guilt as others weren't so lucky.

4 years later. It doesn't have the ring of "5 year" or "10 year" or "25 year" and the rest of the Hallmark anniversaries. Still, born and raised and returning a New Yorker, it doesn't garner any less significance.

We remember. New Yorkers never forget.

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