Wednesday, January 02, 2008

...but what do you do for an encore?

Hello everyone. Thought I'd check in - been busy with Always Amazin' and the holidays and such.

We spent Christmas and New Year's Eve up in scenic Colchester, VT. It was snowy. And awesome. I own a bright red sweater now. And Erin makes great cookies. Try one. You'll agree.

Anyway, we check in to commemorate a moment that occurred on the way home... in a snowy part of Vermont just south of Benson, VT.

We'll let the moment speak for itself with this little video:

Yep, we did it. Our little '95 Toyota Camry officially hit the 100K marker. (FYI: Van Halen's "Right Now" = purely coincidental. It was on Sirius, and I couldn't change the channel for fear of losing control of the car, what with the camera and the snow and all.)

Feel free to revel.

Happy New Year's, all.

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