Saturday, May 14, 2005

Woo! College!

Ok, now it's true, the majority of students today are so cravenly PC, they wouldn't know a good time if it was sitting on their face, but there's one thing that will always unite us and them. They're young. They may not realize it yet. They've got the same raging hormones, the same self-destructive desire to get boldly trashed and wildly out of control. Look out that window! That's not a protest! That is cry for help! They're begging us... "Please have a party! Feed us drinks! Get us laid! Aahhhhhh!"
-Droz, PCU (1994)
Back in the Salt City, attending Erin's graduation. Very proud.

Jane Goodall's the commencement speaker. Which is better than last year, I suppose. (Certainly better than some speakers I'd heard about.) Not on par with mine, though.

Full House is on. Not so proud.

I'm a long way removed from my own commencement ceremonies.

I attended Senior Celebration on Thursday with the little lady (aka the one school event where they serve alcohol to students - albeit Bud Light, but free is free). I felt old. I realized the next major milestone for me is the reduction in my car insurance. The only people to recognize me were former residents from my RA days. Everybody seems so little. I could take them all in a fight. Not all at once, but that's a different debate altogether.

I did get mentioned on a comedy album's liner notes, though. And a former professor of mine told a current student of his to grow up to be me cause I've been eating the last 10 months. The fool.

I got 8 hours of sleep my commencement weekend. Erin has heeded my advice and packed before she leaves. Good for her.

I need a nap. Or gin. We've got gin.

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