Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I'm hung over, my knees are killin' me and if you're going to pull this shit at least you could've said you were from the Yankees.

At Shea again last night. That's two for this season. What have we learned so far:

Record: 0-2
Combined Score: Them 14, Us 6
Free Tickets: 2
# of Hot Dogs: 3
# of potential ulcers: 1
# of Beers: Not nearly enough
Average Inning I Lost Hope: 4th
Average Inning I Had my Hope Restored, only to have those same hopes dashed moments later: 9th
# of Runs the Opposing Team scored before I reached my seat in the bottom of the 1st: 6
# of fans booing Glavine after last night's debacle: 17.050
Infielders who did not make errors in these two games: Mientkiewicz

# of times Jose Reyes walked: 1
# of times Jose Reyes walked this season: 1

So that's a bright spot. Kinda.

I'll be making a concious effort to get to the game before it starts next time, merely as a precautionary measure.

It could've been worse. We could've lost to Tampa Bay last night.

Strong men also cry... strong men also cry...

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