Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Juiced is Loose (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bad Grammar)

I finished Juiced.

Like I said earlier, Canseco's simply too ignorant to actually pull a lie of this magnitude off. And the cracks deepen, with an FBI investigator and former A's manager Tony LaRussa coroborrating the story as well.

The book's good, though. The story of the Angry 'Roided Cuban and his foray into American Popular Culture can't help but be captivating, especially since reading it genuinely reinforces that there couldn't possibly be a ghost writer. Sure, this is the guy who sold "Spend a Day with Jose" while he was under house arrest, and the guy who's auctioning off his 2000 NY Yankees World Series Champion ring... still, it's a good read.

If only for tidbits like this:

On the birth of his daughter, Josie (my italics):

"They held up the umbilical cord, and I cut it. As soon as the nurse slapped her on the butt and she started crying, you could see the oxygen turn her from a dark purple to pink, pink, pink, and right away you could see her blue eyes." (144)
Then, one paragraph later:

"Very often, I'd be looking at Josie and I'd turn to look at Jessica. 'We created her!' I'd say, 'Look at her, a beautiful little girl, blonde hair, green eyes, tons of personality. We created this." (144)

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