Tuesday, April 05, 2005

And the Patriot was an awful movie, too.

Patriot Act hearings began today. They're reviewing certain provisions in the Patriot Act that will expire soon without any revisions to the existing law. The AP reports:

"Among the controversial provisions is a section permitting secret warrants for "books, records, papers, documents and other items" from businesses, hospitals and other organizations.

That section is known as the "library provision" by its critics. While it does not specifically mention bookstores or libraries, critics say the government could use it to subpoena library and bookstore records and snoop into the reading habits of innocent Americans.


He will support giving someone who receives a secret warrant under the provision the right to consult a lawyer and challenge the warrant in court, and will back slightly tightening the standard for issuing subpoenas, the official said."
These phantom warrant challenges will be reviewed by a magic genie who may or may not review your inquiry depending on how many wishes you have left.

They've also discussed the possibility of offering "outs" from prison by either rolling doubles on dice or offering a Federal "Get Out of Jail Free" card, which will probably get you deported anyway.

Peanut Butter-Jelly time indeed.


Anonymous said...

The Library clause is the reason that from now on, the only reading materials that I will purchase is good old American-Made hardcore pornography. Yeah, try to spin that as terrorism.

thehim said...

Anonymous, our last Attorney General covered up a naked statue. You better believe pornography will be spun as terrorism. If it terrorizes enough Christians, it's terrorism.