Thursday, April 28, 2005

I attended the Law & Order wrap party and all they gave me was this lousy headache.

It's 9AM on Thursday... 9 hours ago, I may or may not have still been drinking. I'm not sure. See, it all kinda went blank after the third gin & tonic. Here's what I vaguely remember:

- I may or may not have been weirded out by the guy in the Good Humor suit who greeted me at the front door with a glass of champaigne.
- One of the intern's moms may or may not have flirted with me.
- I may or may not have spilled on myself, thinking my drink was in a beer bottle (it wasn't).
- I may or may not have had one of the writers (who lives and works in LA) recognize me.
- I may or may not have brushed off the same girl for offering me 8 different hors d'ouevres in a 10 minute span.
- Erin may or may not have punched a guy out at a concert last night.
- I may or may not have agreed to attend some sort of movie on Saturday with I don't know who (can't go - have a date with a model on Saturday).
- I may or may not have acquired at least two phone numbers last night, one of which was someone I may or may not have attended Syracuse with and the other having something to do with the New York Mets because I have a number in my phone with the label "METS" and I don't know where it came from (and no, I don't have the Mets ticket office on my phone).
- I may or may not have seen the medical examiner attempting to go home with the doorman.
- I may or may not have agreed to meet a friend for breakfast at Pipes, which is a restaurant in San Diego. I won't be in San Diego until June 1st.

Alcohol, you whore... see you Saturday?


MatthewA said...

It's worth noting that the 3rd followed a rum & cokes, two beers, and a concoction best described as "left at the bar."

Anonymous said...

Or maybe just rufies that Erin Slipped into the drink...