Friday, April 15, 2005

There's got to be a morning after

This has easily been one of the stranger weeks in recent memory.

I've been working till 3AM every night. Which is good, in that I get a cab ride home every night. And good, cause I get home quick. Bad, cause I'm the only one awake at that point.

Tomorrow, Pedro's debuting at Shea against Al Leiter, which is good. It's sold out, which is bad (cause I don't have tickets). Meaning Pedro will throw a no-hitter, which will be bittersweet.

I haven't bought dinner yet (referred to as "lunch" by Accounting), which is bad. But I'm only now starting to get hungry, which is good. I've never hunted and gathered, which I imagine is bad. I did eat a Reese's Piece off the floor once, which was not so good, except it was within 5 seconds, so that's better.


Two former Cornell University entomologists ... recently had the job of naming 65 newly discovered species of slime-mold beetles, which is good. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld each got a slime-mold beetle named after them, which is funny. I didn't get a slime-mold beetle, which is bad, but not so bad cause I didn't want one really.

Sheep go to Heaven, which is good. Goats go to Hell, which is bad.

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